Financial support and assistance in solutions for
democratic digitalisation and digital rights and commons
Financial support and assistance in solutions for democratic digitalisation and digital rights and commons

// About the call

The application process to the 4D Call is intentionally quick and easy to encourage participation from anyone who has a project they think might be eligible. If the project has possibilities, we will proceed to a detailed interview. In any case, we guarantee a response to each request received.


The goal of the 4D Digital Rights by Design Call is to provide support for the developments or initiatives focused on action in terms of digital commons and rights, such as:

Technological developments
Response protocols to change institutional and/or general habits
Strategic litigation
Legislative amendments and incidence
Surprise us with other types of solutions we cannot imagine

The central idea is to intervene so that digitization is democratic and/or digital rights are applied systemically (possibility of scaling with wide impact), by design and by default, in the public and/or private sphere. We’re looking for technologies, actions and/or action protocols, beyond theoretical research or reports.


The 4D Call offers two financial provisions of 15000 euros (*), plus 30h of support (**) to implement projects by European entities, consortia or individuals, whether either already running or already partially funded.

_30h of support
_For entities, consortia or individuals in Europe.

90% will be issued at the time of public presentation (October 2024) and the remaining 10% at the time of agreed completion with the recipient individual/entity.

All projects must include licenses which are not strict copyright. Priority will be given to those projects that use free-software and free licences. The use of more restrictive licences is accepted but requires justification.

* Taxation on this provision will depend on the legal status of the awarded proposal

** Access to social and business networking in our area; juridical and legal advice; communication and marketing; etc.


until 28 June

_Call open until 28 June 2024

_Results of first screening: 10 July 2024

_Interviews from first screening: July 2024

Availability to present the project on 9 October 2024 is required.

Complete the form in order to participate


We promote this call:

The puntCAT Foundation was founded as a result of a private initiative of the Catalan-speaking community to manage the .cat domain. The domain was approved in 2005 by the per la Corporació d'Internet per a l'Assignació de Nombres i Números (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - ICANN). Thanks to the initiative of the Foundation as the first cultural community to obtain its own domain, the doors were opened to all the others. The Foundation works on defending cultural rights and quality internet for Catalan-speaking citizens in digital society.


Xnet is a network of specialists and activists that proposes advanced solutions in different fields related to democratic digitalisation, digital rights, and updating democracy to the 21st century, such as privacy, the use of data, AI and net neutrality; freedom of expression and information vs fake news, propaganda and disinformation; the defence of whistleblowers, leaks and anti-corruption; technopolitics and advocacy, updating democracy with the political R&D method, transparency and participation; free culture.

For more information or to suggest improvements, you can write to


The registration deadline for the 2024 edition will close on 06/28/2024


Public «Apps»
by Jaime Gómez-Obregón

Project from the realm of the absurd. An x-ray of the public sector’s Apps in Spain. Many institutions generate apps. How many? How do the citizens who use this apps value them? How are they financed?


The Amnesic Incognito Live System or Tails

It is a legendary Linux distribution designed to preserve privacy and anonymity. Tails is booted from a USB, routes users’ data through Tor by default, and leaves no trace on users’ local storage unless explicitly stated. It has been maintained since 2009 and has been indispensable in assertions of freedom of information and expression such as Snowden’s.


by Mark Wernsdorfer

Doppelcheck is an AI-powered browser tool that helps analyze news content, detect biases, and generate customized press reviews. It extracts key claims, cross-references sources, and presents findings through an intuitive interface.



Demos is an open-source project that aims to liberate data about all registered assemblies /  demonstrations and make it useful (search, alert, etc.), to permit more people to participate.


Paxophone (Paxo)
by Gabriel Rochet

While the ban on phones until the age of 16 intensifies, Gabriel—16 years old—has created his own phone without addictive algorithms. He requests funds for the development of the 4G version.


by Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja (Today is a new day, Institute for other questions)

Parlameter is a FLOSS solution for any organisation seeking complete transparency and digitisation of meetings. It handles transcripts and voting records, from their capture to visualisation, analysis and publication. It is currently used in several national and local parliaments in Slovenia and abroad and helps people find out who the MPs are and how they vote, what they discuss in the sessions, who represents their interests and what decrees and laws the parliament has passed.


Data against Noise
by Digitalfems

Response with data to the manipulation of information on sexist violence. The aim of this platform is to make judicial statistics understood with “big data” through graphs, and to measure the degree of sexist violence that exists in Spain with the data available.


Digital Gardens
a collaborative knowledge management platform by Nodo Común, Club Manhattan and Amoved

Digital Gardens are online spaces dedicated to the creation and management of knowledge. They also offer an alternative to corporate communication platforms. Inspired by the wiki movement and the blogosphere, based on a WordPress development.




Semi-Assisted Intelligent Historical Transcription Platform (STHI)
by L'Àgora Agroecològics

A pioneering advance in transcribing historical documents, and documents of all kind, fusing the most advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) with expert human interaction, able to manage large volumes of data with high precision and great time savings.


Autonomic Co-operative Limited and The Co-operative Cloud

It is a comprehensive solution that seeks to simplify the process of hosting libre software applications, making them accessible and efficient for small service providers through a standardised and scalable infrastructure. More than 150 software apps.


United Kingdom and The Netherlands
Digital Freedoms Monitoring Tool
Balkan Investigative Reporting Regional Network

It covers the state of digital rights in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, and Turkey. It documents violations of digital rights and freedoms, with descriptions of the cases and corresponding sources in order to provide facts about the violations and emphasize the use of technology to highlight social issues in targeted countries.


Bosnia and Herzegovina
Catalan Public Procurement Observatory
by Abrimos.info

Public platform with filter system of contract details; system of red flags, notices and complaints. Abrimos.info has already developed similar projects in Latin American countries; the software and processes are already built. This project wants to adapt them to the Catalan context.


Terrasa and Mexico
Skeptic Reader
by Domestic Data Streamers & Cedra Trust

Your personal bullshit detector for the Internet: observable bias detection on the fly; logical fallacy identification; counter-argument; suggestions for a well-rounded view; automated logical gymnastics (no physical exercise involved). Support is needed to develop a free extension for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Kiwi browser, Lemur browser and Samsung Internet browsers.


What, who, how and why from data to urban policies
by Trescientosmilkilometrosporsegundo SL

Based on case studies and field experience, it wants to alleviate the lack of capacity on the part of the administration to decide policies based on data and, at the same time, not harm digital sovereignty. It wants to develop a box of tools and resources aimed at public administrations and citizens to help identify where the data is, where they can get more of it and how they can generate it themselves.


by Pangea

Meaningful Internet access with refurbished digital devices. Help is requested to improve the community management software for collaborative practices between device donors, recyclers, restorers, developers, social workers, and community networks
to provide low-income people with free digital devices for Internet access.


by Kyva Iborra Arrabal

They make available a list of large, consolidated, or small projects that solve new challenges, all in free software, to facilitate crowdfunding and funding, that is, the sustainability of the communities that maintain and develop them.


by Posmo

VelObserver is a digital platform that allows interested residents to evaluate a city or town’s cycling infrastructure. This creates a reliable overall picture of the city’s cyclist sustainability. The data collected by VelObserver should become the basis for further needs-oriented infrastructure development by giving civil society an innovative instrument to express their voice in transport policy.


Dis-Pensa-Llibres by Descontrol Editorial and Printing; Friends of the Letters; devcontrol

Joint free software for editorial and bookstore management. The first
free implementation of the SINLI standard.


__With the support of: