2nd edition 2025



Grants for democratic digitalisation projects
Grants for democratic digitalisation projects

// About the call

The application process to the 4D Call is intentionally quick and easy to encourage participation from anyone who has a project that might be eligible. If the project has possibilities, we will proceed to a detailed interview. In any case, we guarantee a response to each request received.


The goal of the 4D Digital Rights by Design Call is to provide support for the developments or initiatives focused on action in terms of digital commons and rights, such as:

Technological developments
Protocols to change institutional and/or general habits
Strategic litigation
Legislative amendments and advocacy
Surprise us with other types of solutions we cannot imagine

The central idea is to intervene so that digitalisation is democratic and/or digital rights are applied systemically (possibility of scaling with wide impact), by design and by default, in the public and/or private sphere. We’re looking for technologies, actions and/or action protocols, beyond theoretical research or reports.


The 4D Call offers two financial provisions of 15000 euros (*) to implement projects by European entities, consortia or individuals, whether either already running or already partially funded.

_For entities, consortia or individuals in Europe.

90% will be issued at the time of public presentation (October 2025) and the remaining 10% at the time of agreed completion with the recipient individual/entity.

All projects must include licenses which are not strict copyright. Priority will be given to those projects that use free-software and free licences. The use of more restrictive licences is accepted but requires justification.

* Taxation on this provision will depend on the legal status of the awarded proposal


until 18 May

_Call open until 18 May 2025

_Results of first screening: 30 June 2025

_Interviews from first screening: July 2025

Availability to present the project on 28 October 2025 is required.

Complete the form in order to participate


We promote this call:

Fundació .cat was created because of a private initiative of the Catalan-speaking community to manage the .cat domain. The domain was approved in 2005 by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - ICANN. Thanks to the initiative of .cat successful campaign as the first cultural community to obtain its own domain, the doors were opened to all the others. Fundació .cat works on defending cultural rights and quality internet for Catalan-speaking citizens in digital society.

XNET, Institute for Democratic Digitalisation

Xnet is a network of specialists and activists that proposes advanced solutions in different fields related to democratic digitalisation, digital rights, and updating democracy to the 21st century, such as privacy, the use of data, AI and net neutrality; freedom of expression and information vs fake news, propaganda and disinformation; the defence of whistleblowers, leaks and anti-corruption; technopolitics and advocacy, updating democracy with the political R&D method, transparency and participation; free culture.

For more information or to suggest improvements, you can write to


*Possible languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Italian. Non-native speakers of these languages do not have to worry about using perfect spelling and grammar, and we apologise for not providing options for more languages.

__With the support of: